sexta-feira, outubro 27, 2006

Recordistas do Núcleo

Nova secção do Núcleo: candidatos ao Guiness por actos de grande e enorme grunhice. O candidato de hoje para "Recordistas do Núcleo" é Ronald Kuch, americano de 44 anos, por um feito que dificilmente poderá ser superado, excepto por alguns membros do próprio Núcleo (Ernesto).

O amigo Kuch conseguiu, de uma só assentada, cometer actos de necrofilia, bestilidade e pedofilia.

Permitam-me repetir: com um único acto, NECROFILIA, BESTIALIDADE E PEDOFILIA. Ah, valente.

Como é das regras da rubrica Recordistas do Núcleo, a história foi testemunhada por um órgão de elevado gabarito, o Bay Times do Michigan, e segue transcrita abaixo.

Para os nossos durões mais avessos ao inglês (Cablogue), um glossário dos termos mais importantes:

*Bestiality: "bestialidade", truca-truca com seres vivos de ordem inferior a homo sapiens ou Zizous.

*dead dog: "cão morto"

*day care center: "Creche"

*crimes against nature: "crimes contra a natureza", descrição do quotidiano do Carcaça

Area man charged with bestiality
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
A 44-year-old Saginaw man remains jailed today on charges of bestiality after he was seen engaged in sexual acts with a dead dog, Michigan State Police troopers said.

Ronald Kuch was arrested after police searched the area of Midland and Carter roads Friday for a man who ran away from a Bay County Animal Control officer. The entire incident was within view of a nearby day care center.

At his arraignment on Monday, Kuch demanded a preliminary examination in Bay County District Court. District Judge Craig Alston ordered him to remain jailed in lieu of $500,000 bond pending a hearing on the evidence Nov. 6.

Kuch is charged with crimes against nature and assaulting a law enforcement officer.

Troopers said a woman from the day care center called for animal control because there was a dead dog near the property that had been hit by a car several days earlier.

Before officers could arrive, the man showed up and began engaging in sexual acts with the dog, police said. The animal control officer also reported seeing Kuch involved in the sex act and as he approached him, Kuch shoved him away and ran off.

State troopers searched the area and found the man hiding in the attic of a nearby house.

Officers determined that the house belonged to the man's girlfriend and later learned that the dog, a black Labrador retriever, also belonged to the girlfriend. The dog had been dead for four or five days.

The official charge of crimes against nature carries a maximum penalty of 15 years in prison. If the person is a repeat offender, the maximum is life in prison.

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